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TAAAC Committees

Meet the Committees

All committee appointments are made by the President from the list of volunteers unless otherwise noted.

Bargaining Team

A Bargaining Team shall be made of representatives across the Unit 1 disciplines. The executive director will put forth members’ names for consideration to the Board of Directors.

Lead Negotiator: Scott Soares

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee makes a continuing study of the Bylaws of the Association. It receives all amendments initiated in accordance with Article XIX, Section 1 and prepare such amendments with committee recommendations for presentation to the Association Representative Council in accordance with Article XIX, Section 2 of the TAAAC Association Representative Handbook (found electronically on an annual basis on a distributed thumb drive).

Chair: Russell Leone | Co-Chair: Mary Robinson

Board Liaison: Karina Zotti

Staff Liaison: Scott Soares

Community Involvement Committee

A Community Involvement Committee shall convene monthly to plan, discuss and implement programs that involve membership in community events and service activities.

Chair: Michael Vazques

Board Liaison: Maryalice Davis

Staff Liaison: Amanda Menas

Contract Action Team (CAT)

The Contract Action Team (CAT) will convene as needed to support the efforts of the bargaining team during the bargaining process. The CAT will work closely with the bargaining team and executive director to ensure that strategies are aligned with the bargaining team’s efforts.

Chair: Jorge Cordoba

Board Liaison: Kristina Korona

Staff Liaisons: Mike Magee & Scott Soares


The Credentials Committee is responsible for: The establishment of a procedure for identification of the qualified, elected representatives and alternates to the Representative Assembly. The seating of representatives or alternates at Representative Assembly meetings in accordance with Article IV. The establishment of a procedure for making necessary changes in a representative unit’s representation within any membership year.


Staff Liaison: Scott Soares

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Committee

A Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Committee shall convene as needed to review AACPS curriculum, instruction, and assessment implementation across grade levels and subject areas in order to identify areas of concern. These issues will be reported back to the President. The President will work to address issues with the appropriate Central Office personnel, invite appropriate central office staff to meet with educators to hear concerns, and also work to organize issues if necessary.

Chair: Dyana Cronin

Board Liaison: Dyana Cronin

Staff Liaison: Kristina Korona

Early Career Educator Committee

An Early Career Educator Committee will convene monthly to find ways to support early career educators in order to retain them in the profession. This will include both professional support as well as social-emotional support.

Chair: Nicole Tello

Board Liaison: Keanuu Smith-Brown

Staff Liaison: Mike Magee

Finance Committee

A Finance Committee shall maintain supervision over the expenditure of Association funds. This committee shall consist of at least three (3) members in addition to the Secretary-Treasurer and the Vice-President. It shall prepare the annual budget to be submitted to the Representative Assembly at its May meeting. Open hearings shall be held before the budget is finalized in order to permit all members to participate in the formation of the budget. Adoption of the budget shall be at the June meeting of the Representative Assembly.

Chair: Diane Barnes

Board Liaison: Diane Barnes

Staff Liaison: Debbie Lanham

Foundation for Educational Excellence

A Foundation for Educational Excellence Committee organizes the distribution of materials for counselors to share with High School Seniors who are applying for scholarships to attend college. The foundation awards three types of scholarships that are outlined by the chairperson. Additionally they donate glasses and coats to students in need as identified by school staff.

Chair: Ken Baughman

Board Liaison: Kristina Korona

Staff Liaison: Scott Soares

Green Committee

A Green Committee shall convene monthly to assess the association’s practices to make recommendations to make them more sustainable and environmentally-friendly. The committee can also make recommendations to the Board of Directors to advocate at the county level for school system-wide sustainable practices. They will carry out their mission to “make recommendations to adopt eco-friendly practices within our union. As environmental stewards, we will promote environmental literacy and sustainability while empowering educators to advocate for a greener, healthier future for our schools and communities.”

Chair: Sheen Goldberg

Board Liaison: Charis Cephas

Staff Liaison: Juanita Howard

Government Relations Committee

A Government Relations Committee shall study proposed legislation by the County Council, State Legislature or Congress of the United States relating to the objectives of the Association and shall recommend to the Association such action upon this legislation as the committee shall consider advisable. The committee may propose education legislation in the name of the Association upon approval of the Board of Directors or Representative Assembly. The committee shall work closely with similar units of the MSEA and the NEA.

Chair: Brendan Maltese

Board Liaison: Will Johnson

Staff Liaison: Amanda Menas


An Instruction and Professional Development Committee shall review and coordinate the Association's activities and goals in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and professional development. The committee shall annually identify appropriate goals and areas of concentration. The committee shall elect its chairperson.

Chair: Melissa McHarg

Board Liaison: Melissa McHarg

Staff Liaison: Mike Magee & Kristina Korona

Member Organizing Team (MOT)

A Member Organizing Team (MOT) shall convene at least monthly. The team will work with staff to develop and implement organizing plans to support the goals of the association. This will include direct member outreach at schools and by phone. This will also include identifying potential member leaders as well as committee members and volunteers for upcoming events. The committee is also responsible for building rep training and leadership development.

Chair: Jorge Cordoba

Board Liaison: Kristina Korona

Staff Liaison: Amanda Menas

Membership Committee/ Special Events

A Membership Committee/Special Events shall review and coordinate Association activities and goals in the areas of recruitment and retention of members in the Association.

Chair: Chris Lerch

Board Liaison: Chris Lerch

Staff Liaison: Juanita Howard

Negotiations Committee

The number of members is determined by the Board of Directors. The committee is established as a means of providing input, feedback, and information on issues being considered by the Bargaining Team. The members of the committee are not official members of the Bargaining Team. The committee may be asked to review the bargaining survey and make suggestions for proposals.

Staff Liaison: Scott Soares

Nominating Committee

The committee shall elect its chairperson. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to secure nominees; prepare ballots; conduct elections and authenticate results. It shall further be responsible for the maintenance of the appropriate representation of ethnic minorities and classroom teachers and non-classroom teachers in the Representative Assembly. It shall determine whether or not there is a need for additional at-large delegates to the Representative Assembly and shall conduct any election necessary to choose such delegates. Any member of the Nominating Committee absent without acceptable excuse from three (3) consecutive committee meetings may be removed from the committee by a majority vote of the committee.

Co-Chair: Rebecca Baucom and Alyson Bradford

Staff Liaison: Cindy Turner

Political Action Team

A Political Action Team shall convene during election seasons to work with staff to develop a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) plan to recruit and mobilize support for our endorsed candidates and endorsed referendums at the ballot box. The PAT will also work to raise PAC funds including through payroll deduction. The committee will also make sure members are registered to vote and have a voting plan. Additionally, the committee will recruit members to phone bank, door knock, and give out apple ballots.

Chair: Elizabeth Ruddy

Board Liaison: Elizabeth Ruddy

Staff Liaison: Amanda Menas

Racial Social Justice Committee

A Racial and Social Justice Committee shall make a continuing study of the local Association and school system. This study will determine the degree of compliance of these groups with association and governmental rules, guidelines, resolutions and objectives pertaining to human and civil rights. The Human Relations Committee will identify reasonable goals for the Association in the areas of human and civil rights. Additionally, the Committee shall plan and coordinate promotion and leadership training activities within the Association to assure full minority participation and voice in all committees, within each elected delegation, and in Association leadership. The committee shall annually identify goals and program actions for implementation.

Chair/Board Liaison: Maria Cote

Staff Liaison: Jason Fahie

Special Education Task Force Committee

A Special Education Task Force Committee shall review and coordinate Association activities and goals in the area of special education. The committee will address issues related to both special education teachers as well as related-service providers. These issues will be reported back to the President and Executive Director. The President and Executive Director will work to address issues with the appropriate Central Office personnel as needed and also work to organize around issues if necessary.

Co-Chair: Janet Fox and Linda Poore

Board Liaison: Diane Barnes

Staff Liaison: Jason Fahie

Calendar Committee

Two TAAAC members (one elementary and one secondary) are elected to the AACPS calendar committee which makes recommendations to the Board of Education. The rep is elected in accordance to the TAAAC Election Rules and Procedures, each serving a two year term starting on alternating years. In March 2025, nominations will open for the position of Secondary rep on the calendar committee. Building Reps will vote on the candidates at the May 2025 RA.

Brendan Maltese

Elementary Rep

Randy Warrilow

Secondary Rep

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