TAAAC News · Weekly Update

Weekly Update: Labor Day

Sep 03, 2024

Happy belated-Labor Day! We hope you had a relaxing long weekend and took time to celebrate the work you do as union members to continue advocating for the hard-earned wages, benefits, and time off you deserve.

One area our union continues to advocate for is healthy and safe working conditions. This is especially relevant as many of our buildings are hot after the HVAC systems are turned off over the weekend. If you need assistance with the temperature in your classroom or worksite, please take the following steps:

  1. Speak with your administrator and chief custodian to submit a work order to facilities.
  2. Call your UniServ Director at 410-224-3330

We are also excited to announce that two new UniServ Directors will be joining the TAAAC team this month: Juanita Howard and Fabricio Rodriguez. Both will start the week of September 16. Juanita will pick up the turf previously covered by Beth Ramey, so she will cover the Annapolis, Broadneck, Severna Park, South River, and Southern feeder systems. Fabricio is split between Anne Arundel County and Prince George’s County Education Association. He will be with us 1 day/week serving both TAAAC and SAAAAC.

Check out the updates below:

In solidarity,

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