Welcome to AACPS 2024!

TAAAC President Kristina Korona gave the following speech to new hires at Crofton High School on August 13, 2024

Good morning, I want to welcome you all as you begin your first year here in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. For some, this will be your first job right out of college while some of you are career changers who have decided to take a leap to join this noble profession, and others are veteran educators simply new to AACPS. Whatever your pathway, we are glad you are here. 

Just like you, I am beginning a new step of my own journey. I’m a high school English teacher starting my 23rd year here in Anne Arundel County; however, as the newly elected TAAAC president, I will be out of the classroom for the next three years to serve the educators of this county full-time. As a union, our primary focus is to make this county the best place for educators. We want to not only recruit but also make sure to retain the educators we have. The education profession has always been a rewarding but demanding one; however, in recent years, the challenges–exacerbated by the pandemic–are even greater. 

As you begin this year, there will be times when you won’t feel that you can keep up with all that is asked of you. Within the next two weeks you will have a lot of preparation to do to welcome your students on day one. Many of you will be focused on setting up your classrooms and learning new curriculum. Others are taking on new caseloads and learning new procedures. Once students arrive, you will find yourself juggling even more tasks and responsibilities. You will at times fall short. Just as we give our students the space to grow, give yourself the same grace. In the end, always remember that the most important thing is that you create a welcoming environment for students and that you are a positive, nurturing presence. Depending on a student’s circumstances, your classroom or office may be the most stable and predictable place in their day and the safest place for them to be themselves. We know that more students are suffering from depression and anxiety and many struggle socially, finding it easier to stay behind their cell phone than to make friends with the students around them. In the end, the positive relationships you foster will not only help students’ social-emotional development but will allow you to build the trust that is needed to support their academic growth. 

Along the way, our union is here to support you. Be on the lookout for our weekly Tuesday emails. We have an early career educator committee which provides opportunities to support those of you who are new to the profession. Our Instruction & Professional Development committee offers ways for you to develop your skills as an educator. We have a special education committee to support the particular needs of special educators as well as related service providers. We also host social events for you to meet and connect with other colleagues across the county. We encourage you to participate as you are able.  

Then when you are ready, we encourage you to join a committee. Your voice matters in our union because our union is our way of advocating for ourselves. If you have ideas for how our union can support you, just reply back to my Tuesday emails. Ultimately we are here to support you. As the educators who work in the school buildings on a daily basis, you are the ones with the most direct contact with students. To do right by our students, we need to do right by you. 

This is why we have a union. We advocate together in solidarity to make sure that we have the working conditions we need to be able to thrive in this profession. This is why I recommend that once you start the year, find out who your TAAAC building representative is. They will help you to learn your contractual rights and responsibilities. If issues arise, we encourage you to proactively work to solve them with your faculty advisory council. This council is a way for faculty to work with the school administration to constructively address concerns and solve problems together. 

By using the support systems in your building and in our union, you will have the best opportunity for a successful year. Your success is essential because the work we do as educators is vitally important. We have the great responsibility to help students fulfill their potential so that when they leave us they have the tools to navigate this ever-changing and complex world. Our kids are counting on us to show up as our best selves. Each of you can be the person to make a difference in a child’s day. Many times, you will never know how impactful your words and actions are for a student. Remember this when the job gets stressful. Stay centered and focus on the students before you rather than your ever-growing to-do list. Ultimately, it’s the community you foster in your classrooms and in your schools that will help students thrive academically. Let’s work together this year to make sure we all have the working conditions we need to be our best selves for the students we serve. I wish you the best as you begin your career here at AACPS. 

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