“We, the coalition unions comprised of TAAAC, SAAAAC, AFSCME, and AEL representing educators, educational support professionals, service personnel, and administrators in Anne Arundel County Public Schools, are pleased that the Board of Education passed Superintendent Bedell’s recommended budget last week. This budget represents a significant step forward for our schools and demonstrates a clear willingness on the part of the Board to prioritize our members who make our school system run each and every day.
“A six percent cost of living increase and guaranteed experience step for our members, while still less than our members need and deserve in this time of out-of-control inflation, is the highest compensation increase our members have seen in many years. We are encouraged by this, and hope that this heralds a pattern of compensation increases in future years that recognizes the incredible work of our members and allows the Board to recruit and retain quality staff.
“We now implore the County Council to follow suit and fully fund this budget. To do any less is irresponsible and harmful to our members, our students, and our community.”
Nicole Disney-Bates, Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County
Carmenlita Makell, Secretary and Assistants Association of Anne Arundel County
Roland Johnson, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 1693
Tracey Ahern, Association of Educational Leaders
“A six percent cost of living increase and guaranteed experience step for our members, while still less than our members need and deserve in this time of out-of-control inflation, is the highest compensation increase our members have seen in many years. We are encouraged by this, and hope that this heralds a pattern of compensation increases in future years that recognizes the incredible work of our members and allows the Board to recruit and retain quality staff.
“We now implore the County Council to follow suit and fully fund this budget. To do any less is irresponsible and harmful to our members, our students, and our community.”
Nicole Disney-Bates, Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County
Carmenlita Makell, Secretary and Assistants Association of Anne Arundel County
Roland Johnson, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 1693
Tracey Ahern, Association of Educational Leaders