Article 3
For FY23, a one (1) step increase for eligible employees and 4% COLA for all Unit 1 employees

Substitute Teachers and Class Coverage
Continue class coverage pay MOU through FY23

Blueprint and Other Compensation
Continue the pre-existing $1,000 NBC stipends for counselors and $2000 psychologists through FY24 subject to the expansion of Blueprint eligibility requirements to include counselors and psychologists for NBC pay.

Article 3Y
Learning Loss Programs
Extension of MOU for $10 differential related to learning loss programs and exclusive use of ESSER funds expires August 31, 2024, or when the grant funding is exhausted, expires, or if the costs are otherwise deemed to be ineligible, whichever comes first.

MOU to pay a total not to exceed $1,500 Leads grant stipend (prorated by FTE) to special educators and related service providers over a two year period beginning in FY23 through FY24.

Article 9C
Reimbursement for College Credit
Workgroup to review the program, including credits per year to be reimbursed and the rate.

Article 11C
Planning Time
Current language. A jointly formed workgroup to study schedules for individual planning time on all levels with a view toward increasing planning time beyond the 210 minute contractual provision. TAAAC shall select a member to serve as its co-chair; and the Board shall select a member to serve as its co-chair. All workgroup reports, research, proposals or recommendations shall be presented to both negotiating teams before FY25 negotiations or October 2023, whichever occurs first. The workgroup’s first meeting shall commence on or before September 30, 2022.

Article 14A
Duties Not Contributing to Teaching
Non-professional duties will not exceed 120 minutes per week.

Article 23B
Rehired Retired Teachers
Eliminate earnings cap and apply existing contract language for new hires.

Article 24
Duration of the Agreement
Enter into a 2-year agreement with compensation/healthcare, review and evaluate the extension of the class coverage MOU, Blueprint requirements through FY24, and one (1) reopener per party.
As part of the duration provision, the Agreement will include the following language to reflect the commitment of the Parties:
AACPS is committed to structured collaboration with TAAAC, the exclusive bargaining representative, relating to the implementation of the Blueprint requirements. As part of this agreement, TAAAC representatives will be included on Blueprint committees including but not limited to early childhood education, career ladder development, and college and career readiness pathways.
Reach Out
Any changes to your non-professional duty schedule should not impact your planning time or duty-free lunch. Reach out to your UniServ Director for support or questions.
Mike Magee
Arundel, Broadneck, Crofton, Meade & South River Feeders
Mark Mench
Annapolis, Chesapeake, Old Mill & Southern Feeders
Allison Yunda
Glen Burnie, North County, Northeast & Severna Park Feeders