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Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County Special Education Task Force
Students in Traumatic Stress-
How you can help
(Sponsored by TAAAC, Special Ed Task Force; Presented by Emily Driscoll-Roe, LCSW-C, from the center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD).
Registration Required http://bit.ly/SpEdTF2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
5:00-6:30 PM
The Firemark Building
8684 Veterans’s Hwy,
Millersville, MD 21108
More than half of American children report having experienced trauma before the age of 16. Students who have suffered or witnessed trauma, score below average in reading and math and are three times more likely to have problems paying attention and to show peer aggression. Learn the impact of trauma on children and their families, define trauma and identify these students, learn options to promote healing, and hear recommendations for educators and related service personnel in school based settings. Trauma Toolkit for Educators
for more information contact:
Evelyn Burchick, OTR(eburchick@gmail.com) |