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Who We Are

What is TAAAC?

Your Membership in TAAAC / MSEA / NEA provides you with more than just a membership card. Call us to learn more at (410)224-3330!

Our Vision

Empowered Educators, Successful Students, Connected Communities

Mission Statement

TAAAC supports, organizes, and empowers members to improve their professional lives in order to provide, protect, and promote quality public education for every student.

An Organization of Educators

Representing all educators in Anne Arundel County Public Schools, TAAAC represents 6,000+ individuals. Of those, approximately 6,200 are dues paying members.

Governed by the Members

Educator members elect the Officers, Board of Directors, and Association Representatives from their own ranks.

Unified with State and National

TAAAC, The Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) are all part of one professional organization. MSEA and NEA provide services and benefits and revenue to TAAAC. The Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County members are elected to positions which govern MSEA and NEA. There are approximately 74,000 MSEA members and 3.2 million NEA members.

Bargaining Agent

TAAAC negotiates a Master Agreement with Anne Arundel County Public Schools that provides educators with rights that include working conditions and benefits. The educators’ salary schedule is part of this Agreement.

Programs That Provide Protection

Our Sick Leave Bank is a program that will help when severe illness or accidents occur.

Economic Benefits

TAAAC has extensive offerings of insurance, tax sheltered annuities, discount buying packages, special services, discount legal services, income protection, and home rental and mortgage programs.


TAAAC Action Report, MSEA Action Line, and NEA TODAY are some of the regular publications. Flyers, electronic updates, and text messages also keep our members informed. The TAAAC President also sends out a weekly email to members.

Public Relations

TAAAC works to keep the community and the media informed on educational issues. The TAAAC President serves as the spokesperson representing the educators’ point-of-view to the school board, the chamber, the politicians, the parent groups, the business leaders, and other community organizations.

Political Action

TAAAC’s political action program includes recommendation for support and campaign assistance for friends of education, legislative lobbying for pro-education laws, and lobbying for education funding. TAAAC and MSEA are working to get legislation passed that will improve educator pension benefits.

Liability Insurance

One million dollars of coverage is provided to each member. This coverage is provided for all charges of neglect of duty or other civil complaints. Criminal charges are covered when the employee is found not guilty.

A Locally Located Full-Time Office

A full-time President, an Executive Director, and three professional staff serve the members’ needs. educator volunteers serve on a variety of committees. Secretarial and professional staff are available to answer calls and keep TAAAC services operating.