TAAAC News · Weekly Update

Weekly Update: The New School Year

Aug 27, 2024

The school year has officially started! As we welcome back the students, I want to first make sure to shout out the 12-month employees, the DCs, and anyone who worked over the summer to ensure our school communities continued to thrive.

Over the last few days, we’ve heard from members that there have been inconsistencies on how Chromebooks are returning to schools/students. At the Board of Ed meeting last week, Christina Catalano (Chief Academic Officer for AACPS) reported that they are in the final stages of the “Chromebook Reconciliation Project” from last year, and devices/carts are being to schools throughout September with the goal of all students having access to a device at school. Following in-school distribution, the Loaner Program will reopen for students who need devices at home. NOTE: If this change causes you to work in excess of your 37.5 hours per week, make sure to track your time and discuss with your principal changes to your schedule to provide more access to printing and grading time done with pen and paper.

Check out the links here and more updates below.

In solidarity,
[email protected]

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