Bargaining · TAAAC News

Special Education Stipend Payments are out Today!

Aug 21, 2024

Today, after many months of mediation, the 23-24 Special Education Stipend has been disbursed in paychecks! Please see linked here for the official Memorandum of Understanding which details the eligible positions and timelines.

If you believe you should have received the stipend based on your job title during the 2023-24 school year (please check the memo for the titles) but did not, please email Scott Soares ([email protected]) ASAP with the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Your job title
  • Your School(s)
  • How long you have been in that position

If you have additional questions, please reach out to the TAAAC Office at 410-224-3330.

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who has emailed in response to our last communication about the Special Education stipend. We have contacted AACPS and are working to set a meeting with them next week. We are following up with everyone who has emailed as they are added to our list.
If you believe you should have received the stipend (review the memo here for eligible jobs), please reach out to Scott Soares ([email protected]) by close of business MONDAY, August 26 with your name, job title, school(s), and years in your position.

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