TAAAC Stands with NEASO

Aug 13, 2024

August 9, 2024

Dear President Pringle and NEA Board of Directors:

We urge you to end the lockout of NEASO staffers. This November’s election is far too critical for NEA to not work at its full capacity. As a local union in Maryland, we have a vitally important U.S. Senate race to win which could affect the balance of power. We all know what is at stake in the presidential race as well. We need our NEA staff members back at work to support the efforts of our local and state unions throughout the country. We must ensure that we elect our endorsed candidates in November who will both support the interests of labor as well as protect and strengthen our country’s public education system.

As dues-paying members, we are concerned that the decision to lockout staff–a lockout which has gone on now for five weeks–is setting a bad precedent. NEA, as the largest labor union in the country, should be setting the example for how to resolve contract disputes. We urge you to take the lead in making a good faith effort to resolve the contract dispute that has led to this situation. While we know that disagreements between employees and employers will arise, we expect our union to be a model for how to navigate these disagreements in a healthy manner.

Kristina Korona

Jorge Córdoba
Vice President

Diane Barnes

Charis Cephas, Dyana Cronin, Maryalice Davis, Chris Lerch, Melissa McHarg, Keanuú Smith-Brown, Maria Côté, Will Johnson, Elizabeth Ruddy, Karina Zotti
Board of Directors

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