We are hosting trainings for our negotiations team, Blueprint sub-group, member leaders, and all TAAAC members! If you have questions about the Blueprint or want our Executive Director and President to come visit your school for any reason, reach out to the TAAAC Office at 410-224-3330.
Submit your feedback and suggest topics for future trainings here!
Your Questions
We'll review questions and answer more on a regular basis. Use the arrows on each side to scroll through!
How did Blueprint come into place?
The Kirwan Commission investigated how we can incentivize educators to stay in the profession to support their students and help close the achievement gap. Educators reported they were leaving the profession because they lacked support and did not see a pathway for growth within the profession. A career ladder model was created to ensure educators would be able to advance up in their career, especially educators who work directly with students.
Initially, when the Maryland State Legislature put forth the Blueprint law, there was language that required every educator to obtain their NBCT status within a certain period of time. MSEA felt that was NOT the only pathway for teachers to show growth in their profession. We, staff and members from across the state including TAAAC members, advocated to remove the mandatory language and make it an optional pathway, and include additional ways for members to advance up the career ladder.
We have this law that was enacted to ensure there is a clear pathway for educators and a clear pathway for administrators.
Initially, when the Maryland State Legislature put forth the Blueprint law, there was language that required every educator to obtain their NBCT status within a certain period of time. MSEA felt that was NOT the only pathway for teachers to show growth in their profession. We, staff and members from across the state including TAAAC members, advocated to remove the mandatory language and make it an optional pathway, and include additional ways for members to advance up the career ladder.
We have this law that was enacted to ensure there is a clear pathway for educators and a clear pathway for administrators.
What has the legislature done to ensure the Blueprint is funded?
MSEA members and staff advocated for House Bill 1450 to be placed on the floor this cycle which would make efforts to change parts of the Blueprint, which is still being considered (as of March 24 when this question was last updated).
b. Governor Moore ensured there is funding allocated for the Blueprint, including an additional $500 million added to the Blueprint Fund. As of Monday, March 20, 2023, there has been discussion in both the House and the Senate in adding an additional $300-400 million to that budget. This shows the dedication of legislators to make sure there is appropriate funding to move this law forward.
b. Governor Moore ensured there is funding allocated for the Blueprint, including an additional $500 million added to the Blueprint Fund. As of Monday, March 20, 2023, there has been discussion in both the House and the Senate in adding an additional $300-400 million to that budget. This shows the dedication of legislators to make sure there is appropriate funding to move this law forward.
What is the timeline for achieving and maintenance of NBC?
National Board Process is a conjunction between a third-party (National Board for Teaching Standards), which awards individuals with the certificate, and the district Boards of Education. Once you receive the certificate and fit the teacher definition, according to the Blueprint, you are eligible to receive the salary enhancements.
At minimum, all components can be completed in one year. You may also take up to three years to complete the process with an official 2 years for make up. Once you obtain the certificate, usually distributed by the National Board of Teaching Standards in December each year. You would receive the salary enhancements the following July.
Each certificate is valid for 5 years. Within that window you can renew that certificate, starting in year 3. TAAAC and AACPS (as with the other school districts and their unions) will work to negotiated salary enhancements for each maintenance of certification. Enhancements, according to the law, will be up to $8000 for the first maintenance, $7000 for the second maintenance, and $6000 for the third maintenance.
At minimum, all components can be completed in one year. You may also take up to three years to complete the process with an official 2 years for make up. Once you obtain the certificate, usually distributed by the National Board of Teaching Standards in December each year. You would receive the salary enhancements the following July.
Each certificate is valid for 5 years. Within that window you can renew that certificate, starting in year 3. TAAAC and AACPS (as with the other school districts and their unions) will work to negotiated salary enhancements for each maintenance of certification. Enhancements, according to the law, will be up to $8000 for the first maintenance, $7000 for the second maintenance, and $6000 for the third maintenance.
There isn’t an NBCT for my subject area. What do I do?
Within the career ladder there are four tiers. Tier 1 includes all licensed educators. Tier 2 includes those who are pursuing National Board Certification or a Masters Degree or more. Tier 3 is for those who have achieved NBC or if you do not have an NBC for your area, you will be able to carry your Masters for Tier 3. You would not be penalized if National Board process does not have a certificate that aligns with your subject area. Tier 3 is comprehensive of both those who have achieved NBC or those with a masters because there is no NBC pathway eligible to them.
If you are an NBCT and you do not fall under the definition of teacher according to the Blueprint, generally spending 50% or more of your time with students, then you are currently not eligible under the Blueprint for salary enhancements. However, that does not stop educators and unions from advocating for salary enhancements. In addition, we proposed language in bills before the Maryland House of Representatives that removes the job title language because each school district has different job descriptors. We are advocating to ensure that those who fit the function of teacher as defined by the Blueprint are eligible for salary enhancements regardless of their job title. We will provide more information if this legislation is passed.
If there is not a certificate for your job category, and you have or are pursuing a Masters or Doctorate, you would be eligible for being part of what is negotiated as a Tier 3 pathway.
If you are an NBCT and you do not fall under the definition of teacher according to the Blueprint, generally spending 50% or more of your time with students, then you are currently not eligible under the Blueprint for salary enhancements. However, that does not stop educators and unions from advocating for salary enhancements. In addition, we proposed language in bills before the Maryland House of Representatives that removes the job title language because each school district has different job descriptors. We are advocating to ensure that those who fit the function of teacher as defined by the Blueprint are eligible for salary enhancements regardless of their job title. We will provide more information if this legislation is passed.
If there is not a certificate for your job category, and you have or are pursuing a Masters or Doctorate, you would be eligible for being part of what is negotiated as a Tier 3 pathway.
AACPS recently sent a memo impacting non-teaching 12-month Unit 1 employees, requiring them to teach two classes next school year. Is this up to negotiations, and what changes to job categories will come because of Blueprint?
This will be negotiated outside the scope of Blueprint negotiations.
While authority does lie with the Superintendent to assign and change duties of employees, our union has the right to negotiate changes in working conditions. We are planning to file a demand to bargain over the impacts of this change. Because this impacts TAAAC members, we need to all come together to advocate for what we want to see as an outcome. We’ll be reaching out with more information.
The law is the minimum standard. Within the Blueprint, if you are not spending 50% or more of your time with students, the law does not speak specifically with you receiving salary enhancements. However, this does not stop local unions negotiating more.
While authority does lie with the Superintendent to assign and change duties of employees, our union has the right to negotiate changes in working conditions. We are planning to file a demand to bargain over the impacts of this change. Because this impacts TAAAC members, we need to all come together to advocate for what we want to see as an outcome. We’ll be reaching out with more information.
The law is the minimum standard. Within the Blueprint, if you are not spending 50% or more of your time with students, the law does not speak specifically with you receiving salary enhancements. However, this does not stop local unions negotiating more.
Are social/emotional learning and mental health and wellness being addressed in the blueprint and if so how? Are school psychologists and social workers being considered with regard to their roles, student ratios, and career ladder, or in any other way?
Pillar 4 – More Resources for Students to be Successful – includes incentives for developing and supporting Community Schools. One aspect of community schools is investing per-pupil funding for at-promise students (special education students or English Language Learners) that would help to support them. There is also budget for a Community School Coordinator and a Health Practitioner at each of these buildings. The Blueprint invests funding in mental health practitioners that are supporting students with their needs.
MSEA offers courses on Restorative Practices, Trauma Informed Education, and other professional development opportunities that address this as well.
MSEA offers courses on Restorative Practices, Trauma Informed Education, and other professional development opportunities that address this as well.
Could the NBC ever become required and Masters not required?
The Blueprint does not say anything about this, nor have there been any discussions about this in the current legislative session. That is not the purpose of how Blueprint was written. The collective bargaining process should be respected and the autonomy to decide what is best for a school system – to make sure that they support their educators who are supporting our students, and support students in achieving success – will vary county to county. There is local autonomy to decide what is best. Currently, NBCT status is being recognized in the Blueprint law that makes salary enhancements automatic. Nothing precludes adding alternative career pathways to the contract or add funding to support the educators who are doing this work. MSEA and TAAAC believe that it takes a village to support students and there are many practitioners who are doing that in addition to the teacher of record. This means that if Masters is being suggested as a step to reach Tier 2, it should also be recognized in Tier 3.
If I don’t want to get my NBC, are there still leadership development opportunities for me?
Currently, that is being negotiated. Negotiations will be completed in 2024.
The Accountability and Implementation Board is looking at draft implementation plans that were submitted on March 15, 2023 by all districts. According to Anne Arundel County’s plan, National Board Certified Teachers are expected to reach 2,266 National Board Certified Teachers in the 23-24 school year.
The goal of the Blueprint is to recognize educators and the value they bring to the system to support students
The Accountability and Implementation Board is looking at draft implementation plans that were submitted on March 15, 2023 by all districts. According to Anne Arundel County’s plan, National Board Certified Teachers are expected to reach 2,266 National Board Certified Teachers in the 23-24 school year.
The goal of the Blueprint is to recognize educators and the value they bring to the system to support students
We'll keep updating this page as we continue to receive and are able to answer these questions.

One-Pagers & Resources
Click the links for quick overviews from TAAAC, MSEA, and other Blueprint Experts to support you throughout implementation!
TAAAC NBC & Career Ladder 1-pager
MSEA 1-pager on Behavioral Health
MSEA 1-pager on Career and Technical Education (CTE)
MSEA 1-pager on College and Career Readiness Standards & Pathways
MSEA 1-pager on Community Schools
MSEA 1-pager on Early Childhood Education
MSEA 1-pager on English Language Learners
MSEA 1-pager on High Poverty Schools
MSEA 1-pager on Special Education
AACPS Implementation Plan Draft
MSDE Blueprint Links