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ACTION: Fully fund the Public Education Budget

Superintendent Dr. Bedell has proposed a public education budget that will ensure Anne Arundel County is competitive in recruiting and retaining high-quality educators and maintains a world-class public education system that our students deserve. A 6% COLA and one step for staff salary increases is a great step toward addressing inflation, and showing educators the respect they deserve for their service to our county. We need to call on the County Council to fully fund the public education budget with any necessary revenue increases.

Share your story! Let the Council members know what a 6% COLA would mean to you and your family. Tell them about the increasing workload you are facing and what a wage increase would do to show you respect.

Make sure to know which district you live/work in. Making that personal connection with your legislators will help them understand. Click here to find your district.

Use one of the templates here or write your own below:

  • I am asking you to fully fund the public education budget as proposed by the Board of Education. We need a robust compensation package to ensure Anne Arundel has a competitive school district that attracts and retains educators, ensures a safe and healthy environment for every member of our school communities, and provides world-class public education opportunities for our students.
  • I am asking you to fully fund the public education budget by using any revenue increases necessary. A 6% Cost of Living Adjustment and one step increase will show educators the respect we deserve for our dedication to this county. We need to make AACPS a competitive, destination school district where teachers want to work. Please show your support by passing a budget that supports educators, school staff, and students.
  • My students deserve high-quality educators who can afford to live where they work. They deserve educators who do not have to work a second job to make ends meet. They deserve educators who can watch them grow, rather than leave for another county that has higher pay and benefits. Please, fully fund the public education budget request from the Board of Education by passing any necessary revenue increases.