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PRESS RELEASE: TAAAC and AACPS receive Offer of Settlement from PSLRB

Sep 01, 2022


The TAAAC Bargaining Team received notice from the Public School Labor Relations Board regarding the settlement of the FY23 contract on August 21, 2022. TAAAC President Nicole Disney-Bates released the following statement:

“As AACPS educators and related service providers welcome our students back into our school buildings, it is clear to our entire school communities that we work tirelessly to ensure safe, welcoming, and productive learning conditions.

“Through this round of negotiations, members have fought hard to ensure administrators, parents, and AACPS leadership see the importance of prioritizing in-person instructional time with our students. After filing for impasse and meeting with a mediator, we continued to advocate and have now received an offer of settlement from the PSLRB. Here are the brief highlights:

  • 4% COLA and one step for all eligible employees
  • Continuation of the MOU for sub coverage through the 22-23 school year
  • Extension of MOU for $10 differential related to learning loss programs
  • MOU to pay $750 (prorated to FTE) to special educators and related service providers for FY23
  • Workgroups to review reimbursement for college credits and planning time
  • Eliminate earnings cap and apply existing contract language for new retired rehires
  • 2-year agreement with reopeners over compensation, healthcare, class coverage MOU, Blueprint requirements, and one additional item per party
  • Increase to non-professional duties to 120 minutes per week, up from 100 minutes

“Educators across our county insisted that our time, including instructional, planning, and non-professional duty time, should be protected and respected. The actions of TAAAC members to advocate with the County Council, Board of Education, and the County Executive have ensured we start the school year with a successful contract.

“We look forward to working with Dr. Mark Bedell to begin negotiations for the coming year, and with the entire #TeamAACPS around continuing issues of staffing shortages, learning management systems, and more.”
