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At the Table: April 25 Negotiations

Apr 28, 2022

TAAAC and AACPS bargaining teams returned to the table, but with a renewed commitment and focus on narrowing the outstanding language issues and finding resolution on those same items. Because TAAAC anticipates that the County Executive, who will present his budget at the end of this week, will retain the proposed 4% COLA and step advancement, the bargaining team only briefly addressed salary proposals during this session believing that next time we would be armed with more information and able to more fully address the topic.

Overall, however, negotiations were productive and the discussions focused on items that would move the County in a direction that is consistent with the vision laid out in the Blueprint. The AACPS bargaining team responded to TAAAC’s proposals, and TAAAC’s team responded to the Board’s packet. There were lengthy discussions around the respective proposals involving limits on non-professional duties as well as the need to include explicit language protecting individual planning time – time that everyone already enjoys.

To read more, click here for the latest At the Table Update, and to learn more about previous sessions.

We are scheduled to meet again on May 11, 2022. The team remains optimistic that
an agreement will be reached.