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TAAAC’s endorsement credits County Executive Pittman with supporting teachers, education through budget and policy decisions

Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County Endorses County Executive Steuart Pittman

Mar 22, 2022

Annapolis, MD (March 21, 2022)

Today, the Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County (TAAAC) announced its endorsement of County Executive Steuart Pittman for reelection as county executive this fall. TAAAC represents the more than 6,000 educators in Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS).

“County Executive Pittman promised us in 2018 he would support teachers and education – and he has delivered,” said elementary teacher and TAAAC President Russell Leone. “TAAAC members have voted to endorse County Executive Pittman, and we look forward to a continued partnership in his next term.”

TAAAC Leadership noted County Executive Pittman fulfilled his promise of restoring back steps to teachers, helping curtail the loss of experienced, dedicated educators to surrounding jurisdictions.

“County Executive Pittman’s decision to restore back steps to our teachers makes sure that the dedicated educators we have in our schools stay here, in Anne Arundel County,” said Leone.

In its endorsement, TAAAC credited County Executive Pittman for making sure teachers had the resources needed to provide high-quality public education to all AACPS students. Through fiscally conservative and responsible budgeting, the County Executive improved the facilities, infrastructure, and supports needed for teachers to succeed – despite opposition from the Council’s three Republican members to doing so in each budget.

“Thank you to County Executive Pittman for remembering us in each budget,” said Leone. “At a challenging time for educators everywhere, his commitment to providing us with the resources we need will benefit our County’s school children long into the future.”

County Executive Pittman thanked TAAAC and vowed to continue advocating for teachers and education.

“As County Executive, my goal each year is to make sure our teachers have the tools at their disposal to get the job done,” County Executive Pittman said. “I want to thank TAAAC and all of our teachers for their continued support, in the classroom and in this election.”