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Tentative Agreement Highlights (TAAAC Fiscal Year 22 Successor Agreement)

Dec 14, 2021

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Watch the video update from elementary teacher and TAAAC President Russell Leone here.

TAAAC has secured an unprecedented wage package of $28 million. Consistent with the early 2021 member-wide bargaining survey, identifying the back step issue as a priority for our union, significant portions of this instructional salary money will go toward placing all Unit 1 employees on the correct step. This was critical as recent education-focused legislation, The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, is scheduled to go into effect this year, which would have made correcting the wage imbalance near impossible in any of the coming years.

TAAAC leaders along with our engaged and active members, are to be congratulated for pushing both the County and Board of Education beyond Dr. Arlotto’s initial $18.7 million budget request this past February.

The Bargaining process was unnecessarily extended due to AACPS’s insistence Unit 1 employees work an additional 3 evenings without any form of compensation. The ultimate mediated agreement – which is the best we thought we could accomplish and represents the mediator’s final framework for an agreement – is consistent with offers your Bargaining Team made back in July. It was not until the week following the ‘Enforce our Contract’ campaign that AACPS first gave indications they would consider any form of compensation in terms of time or money for their extra evening activity demand. It was the thoughtful and unified position of the Bargaining Team that the historic value of the salary package was worth what is detailed in the summary below. Linked here is the Term Sheet the mediator has summarized, and the substance of what items will be new or changed within the Contract:

SALARY (Article 3)

  1. Step Equity – Effective July 1, 2021 (retroactive), over 3000 Unit 1 employees shall be moved up the pay scale aligning steps with experience credit.
  2. “COLA” – All Unit 1 employees shall receive a 1 percent salary increase effective July 1, 2021(retroactive).
  3. Step Increase – Effective December 29, 2021, all eligible Unit 1 12-month employees shall receive a step increase. The step increase will be effective on February 23, 2022, for all 10-month Unit 1 employees.


  1. Unit 1 employees shall be required to work an additional evening activity for up to three hours. In exchange, the work schedule for each Unit 1 employee participating in the extra activity shall be reduced equivalent to the hours of the evening activity.


  1. The Special Education Workgroup Side Agreement from last year will be extended to July 1, 2022.

The Full-Term Sheet of the Tentative Agreement is linked here for your detailed review. The Term Sheet also includes:

  • the extension of the IB Coordinator Position from 10 to 12 months employees,
  • the extension of the four-day workweek for the summer, and
  • an adjustment consistent with a PSLRB ruling to change how we bargain over healthcare.
