Negotiations Update

May 20, 2016

Some questions have been coming in to the office asking about the status of our collective bargaining efforts. For lack of a better word, it would have to be characterized as “stalled.” TAAAC submitted all documents necessary for the Public School Labor Relations Board’s determination of an impasse on May 4. The Board unavoidably required extended time to make its submission and its request for an extension was granted by the PSLRB’s Executive Director. That extension is about to expire and the PSLRB will soon have what it needs to determine the existence of an impasse.

The next meeting of the PSLRB is on June 6. It is a fair presumption that the Board’s documents will have been received and the determination will likely be made at that meeting if not before. Once the determination has been made, both parties will be under strict time limits prescribed by regulation to select a mediator and commence mandatory mediation.


There are proposed modifications to the Board Policy and Administrative Regulations posted at the below link for public comment. If these changes are adopted, there may be some impact on classroom control and discipline in some situations.


Please take few minutes to look over the proposed changes and comment if appropriate.

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