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TAAAC Negotiated Agreement 2013-2015

Sep 19, 2013

The negotiated agreement between the Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County and the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County.

The new TAAAC/Board Agreement, including all pertinent appendices (SLB Rules and Procedures, Benefits, and Salary Scales) are now available for review and DOWNLOAD HERE. Like the 2009-13 Agreement, we will probably print a limited amount of hard copies, thereby joining the digital age and saving a few trees.  However we will make certain that anyone who requests a hard copy will receive one.    The negotiations for the scheduled re-openers to be implemented in fiscal year 2015 will begin early next month.  Only one reopener is named in advance. It will involve the restructuring of the salary scales. Other than that, each party may bring to the bargaining table no more than two topics of its choice.    Another Candidate Announces   Attorney General Doug Gansler will be announcing his Candidacy for Governor here in Annapolis at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, September 28th, at Annapolis City Dock.  Obviously, the race for Governor will be one in which the Maryland State Education Association is heavily involved. MSEA members, especially those who may be attended the convention where the recommendation vote will be taken, should consider going down to the City Dock to meet the candidate. Those of you who want to make sure you’re counted can RSVP HERE.


October 18th is a non-duty day for everyone but 12-month employees. Other than the 12-month employees, those who have been told that they must attend professional development events or meetings need to understand that anything they do on that date for their employer is voluntary. It is not a duty day and shou<bld be treated in the same manner that you’d treat any given Saturday. Twelve month employees must arrange their one-day reduction in the work year through a collaborative discussion with their respective principals or supervisors.