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Jan 28, 2013

The negotiating teams have met twice since the last update, January 10th and January 22nd. The teams continued their concentration on salary options but at the close of the January 22nd session had not reached a consensus on a salary package. The primary stumbling block is that the $16.57 million for employee pay enhancements in the Superintendent’s budget recommendation has so far appeared insufficient to provide an amicable settlement. This coming Thursday, January 31, we expect to address the best offer that the Board is willing to make. Barring an unforeseeable obstruction, TAAAC leadership anticipates bringing that offer to the February 6th Association Representative Council (ARC) for feedback. That feedback will guide the negotiating team through the remainder this year’s work. It may also impact what TAAAC members are asked to do in the second semester.

In order ensure your voice is heard, it will be critical to have one or more Association Representatives (AR’s) from your school or worksite at the February ARC to cast a vote. If you happen to work at one of the few sites for which TAAAC has no current AR, please get together with your colleagues and select one. For assistance in that process, contact the TAAAC office.

This type of vote is not a routine part of our negotiating process. It is being held to address communication concerns raised at last year’s ratification and to give direction to the negotiating team. The vote does not equate to ratification. In fact there remains a long list of topics that will still need to be addressed at the bargaining table once we can move on from salary issues. With that in mind, know that ratification is still a long way off.  This vote is nonetheless significant. In light of the work that still needs finishing, negotiations have reached the proverbial fork in the road. This vote is likely to determine the turn chosen.


For the first time that anyone can recall, a local teacher is being sworn in as the new President of the Anne Arundel County Council of PTA’s. On Monday, February 4th, Pam Bukowski will be sworn in, replacing outgoing President Ray Leone. Pam, a longtime community activist also serves her colleagues as an elected officer of this Association. She is one of TAAAC’s ten elected Directors.

A reception will follow at 7:00PM in the Boardroom of the AAPCS Central Office Building for colleague who’d like to stop by and wish Pam well.