Processing of Fourth Marking Period Report Cards

May 24, 2012

As you may be aware, TAAAC initiated grievances during the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years contending that the timelines issued by AACPS for the submission of elementary school report cards did not comport with the provisions of Article 11K of the Negotiated Agreement, resulting in workload concerns for teachers. AACPS and TAAAC disagree over the interpretation of the term “computerized” as used in Article 11K but agreed to resolve the grievance to avoid the time and expense associated with arbitration. Also, AACPS and TAAAC wanted to define the expectations and parameters of how elementary school report cards would be handled until the language of Article 11K is amended through negotiations or until the process by which report cards are generated is changed.

As a result of the agreement between AACPS and TAAAC, all elementary teachers in grades 1-5 will receive six hours of time between May 29th and June 11th to complete report cards. The time shall be in blocks of not less than 1 hour during the negotiated work day and shall not be during individual planning time or duty-free lunch time. Each principal will work with the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) regarding how the time will be scheduled. In the event that principals and FACs are unable to agree on a schedule of the 6 hours, teachers will be required to complete the report card process on June 11th. Please contact your Regional Assistant Superintendent or your TAAAC/UniServ Director for questions related to the timeline.M

The week of May 28th, 1 ream of paper and 1 box of AACPS envelopes (or 2 reams and 2 boxes depending on school population size) will be delivered to schools from Central Office.

No later than the end of the work day, Monday, June 11th, the following must be completed:

Final draft of report cards for grades 1-5 must be printed and prepared for distribution. The printed report cards are to be signed by the teachers and the principal. Report cards are to be returned to the teachers, who are to fold the report cards and insert them into the corresponding envelopes with the address showing. Teachers turn in all of their stuffed envelopes with the flaps up to the school office as part of the end-of-year activities. Envelopes should not be sealed; they will be sealed when metered with postage at Central Office.

All completed/signed/stuffed report card envelopes are to be placed in the envelope box(es), flap up, to be returned to Central Office for mailing.

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