Weekly Update: RA and Board of Ed Meetings

Dec 14, 2022


Hi {{ FirstName | commonize | default: ‘Friend’ }},

Tomorrow is a busy day! We’re hosting the last rep assembly of 2022 at Severna Park High, followed by a Happy Hour  for TAAAC members at Mother’s Peninsula Grille. Make sure you and your colleagues join us from 6:30-8:30 for free food and drinks!

At the same time, the AACPS Board of Education will be holding their monthly meeting at which Superintendent Dr. Bedell will announce his annual budget. Expect to learn their COLA proposal as well as their other top priorities. If you can’t make it, we’ll be discussing some of the outcomes at our all-member meeting on Thursday.

Make sure to RSVP for our events this week and check out the other important dates below!

Run for TAAAC Leadership

Nominations are open for union leadership on the local and state levels!

  • The deadline to submit your name for TAAAC Leadership is TODAY at 5:00 p.m.!
  • Elections will occur between January 30 and February 17, 2023

MSEA Events

Save the Date for these upcoming events for members of our state-wide union in January:

Visit with Your TAAAC President

I want to come visit your school, hear your concerns, and share donuts!

Stay tuned for more updates on bargaining, Blueprint, and other opportunities to get involved!

In unity,

Nicole Disney-Bates

TAAAC President

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