Weekly Update: Convention

Oct 25, 2022


Last weekend, our state-wide union MSEA hosted the annual convention. We had delegates from across TAAAC attend to learn and engage with other educators! At the convention, one thing we learned about was the ESP Bill of rights. We are standing with our colleagues to fight for a living wage, fairness and respect! Maryland Superintendent Dr. Choudhury signed as well! Click here to learn more – together we can make a good job great!

Check out the other links below to support educators, students, and our public schools!


Make a Plan to Vote

We only have 2 weekends before Election Day! Here are all the coordinated actions left you can take to help get out the vote!

We’re hosting TWO competitions for the schools who sign up the greatest percentage of members for Apple Ballot shifts AND the greatest percentage of members who take thevote pledge! 



Apply for MSEA Grants

Today is the last day to apply for MSEA grants of up to $1,000! Learn more about the grants at the links below:

There are also upcoming awards for MSEA members! Learn more here.



SPED/RSP Meeting

Calling all Special Educators and related service providers: Come meet with Diane, Sonya, and Erin from the AACPS Special Education Department tonight!



Visit with Your TAAAC President

I want to come visit your school, hear your concerns, and share donuts!



MOU Survey

Have you been denied compensation even though you have covered vacancies or taken on additional students to your caseload as stated in our MOUs? Let us know! We are compiling cases to better advocate.


Stay tuned for more updates on bargaining, Blueprint, and other opportunities to get involved!

In unity,

Nicole Disney-Bates

TAAAC President

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Vote for MSEA and NEA Delegates