Meet your Bargaining Team
Members submit applications to join the bargaining team in September 2022, The group below was chosen jointly by the TAAAC Lead Negotiator, President, and Board of Directors. The team is composed of members who have previously been on the team, and new members.
Dawn Austin
Southern Middle
Robin Beers
Marlena Colleton-Pearsell
Solley Elementary
Robert Connerton
Annapolis High
Nicole Disney-Bates
TAAAC President
Jill Grimm
Crofton Middle
Mike Magee
TAAAC Lead Negotiator
Andrew Posner
George Cromwell Elementary
Marissa Raimond
Crofton Elementary
TAAAC Bargaining Survey Results
The following results were collected between September 12 and September 20, 2022. 1,075 members responded.
Increased Compensation
Salary and Wages were ranked the top priority for members during FY24 bargaining. Annual step increased and a higher cost of living adjustment were ranked at the top.
Less paperwork and fewer meetings, as well as smaller class sizes and caseloads were top priorities for workload. Please remember that while class sizes cannot be negotiated, advocating for other priorities may result in lowering ratios of students to teachers or related service providers.
Maintaining the 90/10 split on copays was the top priority for members, but both lower health insurance costs and increased benefits were similarly important.
Blueprint concerns and better knowledge on how implementation will work was the priority for transparency. However, Better building-level communication and input on position reassignments were top of mind for TAAAC members.
What is one thing that could be changed in the contract to improve your work conditions?
The results of the open-ended questions were tagged by TAAAC staff. This question was grouped by broad content area. For example, terms such as salary, higher wages, increased cola, etc., were all included in "Salary. 769 members provided comments with 31 responding "none". All comments have been provided to the bargaining team for review and consideration for both the limited reopeners this bargaining year, and in future years.
How respected and valued do you feel as an educator in Anne Arundel County?
A majority of members, 55%, feel somewhat or fully disrespected. Only 2.8% of members feel fully respected.
Please rank your satisfaction with your role this year as compared to the 2021-22 school year
While feeling of respect is low, members generally feel more satisfied with their roles this year. 32.23% of members feel somewhat satisfied.
If you were offered a comparable position outside of AACPS, would you accept it?
41.13% of respondents said “Yes”, they would accept a comparable job if offered.