Weekly Update


Oct 13, 2021

RSVP for our RALLY on 10/20 at the BOE

As part of our Union, Unity and YOU organizing campaign, I was delighted to spend a morning last week sharing coffee, donuts and conversations with many of our wonderful South River High educators. Like many of you have shared, we heard stories of exhaustion and confusion related to Brightspace and fielded questions and comments related to work load frustrations. I heard about safety concerns, and we tried together to understand why AACPS is insisting on making school based educators work additional evenings to secure a fair wage package.

As AACPS leadership persists making decisions without consulting frontline educators while refusing to understand the impact on educational instruction and services, and morale of staff, students and the community it is up to us to remind them. The disorganization with the Brightspace roll out, lack of enforcement of basic COVID safety protocols and newly added time consuming PDs all point to an out of touch leadership.

Now, we must all pitch in together to highlight these challenges with not only our administrators, but directly with the Board of Education. Next week, we are rallying ahead of their meeting to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

RSVP to show the unity necessary to make the changes we all require


AACPS continues to hold our contract AND County approved funding that fixes a decade long wage imbalance hostage, because they want us to work extra nights without any form of compensation. AACPS proves again and again how out of touch they are from the lives and work of our public school educators.

We hope to receive the designation of impasse from the PSLRB in the coming days.



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