UPDATE: June 21 Memo

Jun 15, 2021

Many of you haven’t been in buildings for some time and we questioned the mandate from Friday requiring even those with current accommodations into buildings for close out work. AACPS did have among the best accommodations approval rates in the STATE and allowed for accommodations for third party care and childcare when the law didn’t require it and other surrounding jurisdictions did not allow for the same. However, this late jolt to the process and issuing the memo after hours on a Friday works against morale after a tough year and we expressed as such to AACPS. TAAAC doesn’t have a legal or contractual argument to make, as this appears within management’s rights and as explained earlier AACPS has provided COVID-based accommodations beyond what is required, including for reasons not mandated by the current regulations and safety protocols. This memo was a directive from central office and we understand that administrators have received no further clarifying instructions. Please try to partner with your administrators for what June 21 will look like. TAAAC Leadership has no intent on preventing schools and teachers from preparing for a proper end of year close out. Those with specific and individualized health concerns, where a vaccine wasn’t sufficient for your provider to clear you medically for a return to work, should contact Ms. Cuches with your concerns and appeal. Contact the TAAAC Executive Director Kenneth Page or your UD’s (listed below) for any further support and questions.

  • Mark Mench- Annapolis, Chesapeake, Old Mill, Southern
  • Jephta Nguherimo- Glen Burnie, North County, Northeast, Severna Park
  • Keith Wright- Arundel, Broadneck, Crofton, Meade, South River
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