Jun 06, 2019

Ratification materials for the Tentative Agreement reached between TAAAC and the Board of Education were distributed at TAAAC’s May 8th Representative Assembly (RA). The packets included settlement summaries, ballots, a tally sheet, and instructions to Association Representatives. AR’s were asked to hold a meeting to present the Agreement, handout and collect the ballots, tally them, and return them to TAAAC is the envelope provided by Tuesday, June 11th. To date, 53 sites have returned a total of 1,717 ballots.

The binding ratification vote will be held at the Representative Assembly on June 12th. Please accept this gentle reminder. To display the results of the straw balloting on June 12th, some time is required to load those results into the spreadsheet. To AR’s, we ask that you hold your straw balloting over the next few business days and forward TAAAC the results. TAAAC can provide staff help to AR’s that ask, or to worksites that do not have an AR.

The Negotiated Agreement provides time during the paid work week to present the contract and hold the balloting. The pertinent provision is pasted below.

Article 21(U). Presentation of negotiated Agreement to Unit I members
Opportunity for TAAAC Representatives to present a negotiated master agreement or negotiated amendments thereto to all interested Unit I members to a ratification vote by TAAAC shall be provided in each school within the regular workweek, as defined in Article 11, Item A, at a time which does not disrupt the instructional program.

Remember that the straw balloting is not the binding ratification vote. In order for schools and worksites to be represented at the binding vote, an AR will have to be present to cast a vote at the June 12th RA.

If assistance or materials are needed please let me know immediately or contact your UniServ Director.

Thank you for all that you do.

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