Please accept this reminder that teachers and other educators should not be discussing the Work to Rule with students, parents, or anyone else during paid work hours. Further, any conversation with students at school or during a school-rated activity should be avoided whether on paid status or otherwise.
In situations where it is unclear whether such a conversation might be inappropriate, please err on the side of caution and do not engage.
It is time to make sure your voice is heard. Please take some time to review the various activities taking place throughout the year where you can make an impact. No contribution of time is too small. You can make a difference. With over 6,000 other member voices, the message will speak volumes to the intended audiences.
In the comment section of the sign-up, please share what actions you are willing to participate. The suggested list is as follows and is provided (below the link to sign up) for your reference after you do your sign-ups and submit. Select the letter or letters that correspond with what you are willing to do and put the letter or letters in the comment section.
Thank you for your activism, and I look forward to your very valuable input and involvement to take back our county and make educators whole again. It cannot be done without YOU! Sign-up today!
a. Come to a board/county council/town hall meeting.
b. Speak at a board/county council/meeting.
c. Write a letter to the superintendent/board members/county executive/county council members.
d. Write an email to the superintendent/board members/county executive/county council members.
e. Make phone calls to the superintendent/board members/county executive/county council members.
f. Participate in an organized grade-in.
g. Help TAAAC identify and provide data on why teachers are leaving.
h. Take pictures of waste and send them to us.
i. Picket job fairs that recruit educators
j. Work a polling place on Election Day.
k. Other – Please specify in comments section