FY2016 Tentative Agreement Ratified

Oct 12, 2015

The FY2016 Tentative Agreement between the Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County and the Board of Education of Anne Arundel County was ratified by TAAAC’s Association Representative Council last Wednesday evening. Among the provisions of the Agreement was a reduction of one duty day from the FY2016 Unit 1 work year. Following the ratification vote, the Board announced that the day to be reduced from the workyear calendar is this coming Friday, October 16th. The announcement was delivered by memorandum to AACPS Senior Staff and Principals from Florence Bozzella, Executive Director of Human Resources on October 9th. The text of the memorandum is excerpted below:

As a result of FYl6 negotiations, all Unit I employees and 191-day Unit IV employees will enjoy a one-day reduction in the number of duty days for SY20l5-2016. Please be advised that Friday, October 16, 2015, has been selected as the non-work day for designated staff (all Unit I and 191-day Unit IV employees only).

  • Those employees should not report for duty. All professional development trainings scheduled for this day are cancelled.
  • Employees must indicate ‘NR” (Negotiated Reduction) on the time sheet to indicate the reason for their absence.
  • Please share this information with the appropriate employees as soon as possible. Any further reduction to the work year for other AACPS employees is subject to negotiations.
  • Other negotiated terms and conditions of employment to take effect in FY2016 will be dependent upon successful ratification by the Board at it October 21st meeting.
  • Negotiators for TAAAC and the Board are scheduled to meet on October 23rd to begin talks for FY2017. Please take the time to respond to the bargaining survey arriving in members’ email inboxes soon.
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