By now most of you are aware that the fiscal year 2106 Negotiated Agreement was tentatively settled late Monday (September 21) evening, following 11 months and one day of effort, a declaration of impasse, and two long days of assistance by a professional mediator. Part of Monday’s settlement was a confidentiality provision requiring that neither party put out a release until both parties agreed on the content of a joint release. That joint release was publicly distributed yesterday.
Details of the settlement will be coming out electronically to all Unit 1 employees within the next couple days in the form of a comprehensive settlement summary. In the email there will be a link to allow Unit 1 employees an opportunity to cast a ballot as whether to accept or reject the settlement. The results of that balloting will inform the Association Representative Council when they consider the accept/reject question on the evening of October 7.
It would not be appropriate to dole out the details in small pieces. So, I am asking that you hold your questions until the summary is distributed. It is our intent to have the summary in your email boxes by close of business on Friday – sooner if possible.