
May 02, 2013

The negotiating teams met on April 30, 2013, and spent the day in attempts to dispose of some of the twenty-two remaining items, and managed to cull a few of them. There is one day of negotiations remaining, and it is anticipated that by the end of that session a tentative agreement will have been reached. The troublesome issues remaining are related to Family and Medical Leave, Employee Suspension and Dismissal, Work Year, Evening Activities, and Tuition Reimbursement.

As you may recall from the last update, the parties have agreed to remain in the room and at the table on May 7 for whatever length of time it may take to finish. That mutual commitment still stands.


Presuming we do reach a tentative agreement, we will have scant time to hold the in-school straw balloting. To shorten the time required (and increase participation as well), we will be doing the voting electronically. With the cooperation of the Board and the use of Survey Monkey, the straw balloting can be finished in a matter of a few days. That will leave time for the binding ratification vote of the Association Representative Council (ARC) to occur on June 5th. If the process goes as planned, it will be the first time in a few years that we ratified an agreement before the new fiscal year is underway and did not have to hold a Special ARC to do so.


County Executive Laura Neuman made her budget recommendation yesterday (5/1). While it was virtually Maintenance of Effort money only (MOE, the minimum lawful contribution the county can make) for the schools once again, it did leave the employee portion a bit better off than expected. The expected shortfall that I have been reporting to the ARC is smaller now by almost 45%, making it much easier for our public school employer to find the remaining money necessary. In short, our agreement on compensation should be fundable as long as the County Council does not take action to obstruct it. Members are asked to send their Councilmen a message urging them to adopt the education as recommended. Members who live outside the county may contact the councilman representing the district in which their schools or worksites arrive.

It is now easier than ever for members to message the council.



  • Do not change the page, just scroll to the bottom.
  • Enter the Sender information.
  • Scroll back up just a bit and follow the directions.

TAAAC President, Richard Benfer will be giving testimony at the hearing scheduled for May 13th, 7:00pm, and the Arundel Center on Calvert Street in Annapolis. We are asking all available members to come and support Richard in Annapolis. The hearing starts at 7:00pm arrival by 6:30pm should get you a seat in the Council Chambers.  It would be great if all members who have TAAAC shirts or jackets wear them. Other should wear something from their schools that serve to identify them as educators.

Members that will not be able to attend the hearing on May 13th should attend the May 8th hearing at the Chesapeake Arts Center on Hammonds Lane in Brooklyn Park. Vice-President Ken Baughman will be presenting TAAAC’s testimony at 7:00pm at that location.

There are several members of the Council who have made quite hostile comments regarding the education budget earlier this year. Let have a crowd of educators present to witness and any further such behavior, and remember it when November of 2014 rolls around.

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